Terms & Conditions
Terms, conditions, prices and descriptions are subject to change without notice.
All prices are in U.S. dollars.
Items can be withdrawn from sale at any time
International customers are responsible for any custom charges, VAT, taxes, or other costs.
We are not responsible for typographical errors.
Please make sure the ship to address is correct at the time of payment. Orders will be shipped out to the shipping address provided at the time of purchase is made.
We are not responsible for packages that are shipped to the incorrect address due to buyers’ error.
We are not responsible for the packages that were not delivered due to “Recipient was not available at the time of delivery”.
We always encourage our customers to track the package and ask your local post office if for any reason it was not delivered to you.
Transit time varies and depends on the carrier, we cannot be held responsible for delays caused by carriers
None of the products distributed by Rebuscustom.com is DOT approved. All Rebuscustom.com products are for custom applications and intended as dressing material for show display or for off road use.
It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the products sold by Rebuscustom.com for his / her use and to check that our parts and accessories do not violate his / her state laws. The user shall assume all legal, personal injury risk and liability and all other obligations and risks associated therewith.
The installation of our parts may void your factory warranty. We have complete confidence in our parts, but we strongly recommend to test fit all products before any modification.
Rebuscustom.com is not responsible for incidental costs and damages due to failure of our products, improper installation, and incompatibility with other motorcycle parts.
Our guarantee is limited to repair or replacement of defective products up to 180 days from date of purchase. This warranty does not cover damage caused by improper installation, negligence, alteration or misuse.
We accept returns within 30 days.
We can only accept a return if it is returned to us in the same condition as sold.
Free worldwide shipping with tracking number.
Shipping time may vary and take longer than expected.
US – Delivery time is usually 5 – 10 days.
All other Countries – Delivery time varies and is usually 10 – 21 days.
Rebuscustom.com is not in any way associated with or authorized by Harley-Davidson® Motor Company to manufacture or sell any of the parts on Rebuscustom.com website. The words “Harley”, “Harley-Davidson”, “V-Rod”, “Softail”, “Sportster”, “Dyna”, “Evolution”, “Twin Cam”, “Roadstar”, “CVO” are used purely for descriptive purposes and no approval, endorsement of, or involvement in the contents is implied by the use of these or any other words, names or marks associated with Harley-Davidson, Inc. Any products with a trademark, OEM number, word, name used by Rebuscustom.com is strictly intended to be used solely as a reference.
Proprietary rights:
You acknowledge and agree that all content and materials made available on Rebuscustom.com website, such as photos, designs, images, text, mounting instructions, downloads, names and logos are the exclusive property of Rebuscustom.com and are protected by United States and International intellectual property laws. You may use, display and print one copy of the content and materials on Rebuscustom.com website on a single computer for your noncommercial and personal use only. You agree not to reproduce or modify any content or materials made available on Rebuscustom.com website, without Rebuscustom.com prior written authorization.